Being the hands and feet of Christ

In Our Town
Sometimes we don't need to look very far to find those in need. The garden in town is called the "Community Garden". We work in conjunction with other churches to tend the soil and harvest fresh veggies for local food banks. Speaking of Food Banks, Whaley is a big supporter of V.I.S.T.O. (Volunteers In Service to Others). We collect food at the church and out on the town as a Youth grouip.

In Our Community
More than 20 years ago a couple of our members got an idea for a Community Thanksgiving Dinner for those who don't have a meal, a family to share it with or people who just don't want to be alone on Thanksgiving. That spark ignited a fire in Whaley that still burns bright today. Our Communtiy Dinner is open to anyone who wouild like to join. Not only do we serve meals at a local community center, but we also deliver meals to those who cannot get out.
In addition to that, our Chicken Spaghetti Dinner, hosted by the United Methodist Women generates funds for numerous local charities and organizatiion.
These, and other community missions, provide numerous opportunities for us to be the hands and feel of Christ.

In Our World
Working together and reaching beyond--way beyond the church walls is something Whaley loves to do. Every year we take several mission trips. Some trips are in Texas and others take us out of state to support other communities.
Not only do we hit the road for missions, but Whaley also hosts missionaries, including KAIROS ministries for locally incarcarated youth, UM Army and other churches needing a place to stay while serving. Our unique facilities give us the opportunity to help others who are working as the hands and feet of Christ.